deKay's Lofi Gaming

Crazy Taxi (360)

This was on offer a little while back on XBLA, for 400 points. I decided, even though it’s a poor port and doesn’t have any Offspring music (TEEEEEN TWEEENNNTY TEEEEN!!!) I’d take a punt anyway for that price. And it’s actually pretty good. Sure, it’s rough looking, and yeah, I miss the music. Worst of all, I keep getting stuck inside things – trees, signs, walls… but it is still fun. So far I’ve C-Ranked Arcade Mode, A-Ranked Original Mode, …

X-Men (360): COMPLETED!

A week or so ago, or maybe longer – I can’t remember – both this and Crazy Taxi were on sale on XBLA. X-Men, a release of the 6-player scrolling beat-em-up from yesteryear was reduced to an Almost Free cost of just 200 Microsoft Moon Dollars, something like £1.70. Hell, I’d probably have put more than that into the original arcade machine. I played it today, and, what with it being rather short, completed it. Six times. Once with each …

Why Sega should just give up and die

When I got my Megadrive in the early 1990s, it was for one single game – Sonic the Hedgehog. I’d played it often at the local game shop, and didn’t just want it, I needed it. Once I had my own Sega console to play it on, I was hooked on Sega games. In fact, for a good decade or so, I loved pretty much all of Sega’s major-title output – I suppose I was a Sega Fanboy (although Mario …

Sega Superstars

Waving my arms around in front of the TV is not something I generally do. Shout and swear at it, yes, but not pretend I’m actually part of a game by doing so. EXCEPT WAIT! I am part of the game! With the Eyetoy, you too can actually be in Virtua Fighter, Puyo Puyo, Super Monkey Ball and other Sega games. Almost. Well, it was fun for a bit anyway. My arms hurt too. Some games work better than others: …